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  1. "Biomaths", Special Issue of ECMI Newsletter, , edite par J. G. Caputo et C. Prudhomme, (2009).
  2. "Nonlinear waves in complex systems: energy flow and geometry", edite par J. G. Caputo et M. P. Soerensen, Collection "Special Topics" of European J. Phys. 147, (1), (2007).
  3. "Inverse Problems", Editeurs M. Bertero, J. G. Caputo, F. A. Grunbaum et F. Natterer, Volume 17, Number 4, August 2001. Numero special pour le 65 ieme anniversaire de Pierre Sabatier. Ce volume contient les actes du colloque "RCP264: Inverse problems and nonlinearity" que j'ai organise a Montpellier du 20 au 24 Juin 2000.

    Publications dans des revues internationales

  4. "Gate-tunable zero-frequency current cross correlations of the quartet state in a voltage-biased three-terminal Josephson junction", R. Melin, M. Sotto, D. Feinberg, J.-G. Caputo, and B. Douçot Phys. Rev. B 93, 115436, (2016).
  5. "Coupling conditions for the nonlinear shallow water equations on a network", J.G. Caputo, D. Dutykh and B. Gleyse, submitted IMA J appl math
  6. "Polarization rotation by an rf-SQUID metasurface", J.-G. Caputo, I. Gabitov and A.I. Maimistov Phys. Rev. B 91, 115430 , (2015)
  7. "Bistable reaction-diffusion on a network", J.-G. Caputo, G. Cruz-Pacheco and P. Panayotaros, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 075102, (2015).
  8. "Nonlinear waves in networks: a simple approach using the sine--Gordon equation", J.-G. Caputo et D. Dutykh, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 022912, (2014).
  9. "Screening magnetic fields by a superconducting disk: a simple model", J.-G. Caputo, L. Gozzelino, F.Laviano, G.Ghigo, R.Gerbaldo, J.Noudem, Y.Thimont, P.Bernstein , 114, 233913 (2013)
  10. "Mode dynamics in nonuniform waveguide arrays: a Graph Laplacian approach", A. Aceves and J.-G. Caputo, J. Opt. 16, 035202, (2014)
  11. "Radial sine-Gordon kinks as sources of fast breathers", J.-G. Caputo and M. P. Soerensen, Phys. Rev. E 88, 022915, (2013).
  12. "Oscillations of simple networks: the role of zero nodes", J.-G. Caputo, A. Knippel and E. Simo, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46, 035100 (2013)
  13. "Fast control of the reflection of a ferroelectric by an extremely short pulse", J.-G.~Caputo, A.I. Maimistov and E.V. Kazantseva J. Opt. 15, 025203, (2013).
  14. "Electrodynamics of a split-ring Josephson resonator in a microwave line" J.-G.~Caputo, I. Gabitov and A.I.~Maimistov, Phys Rev. B, 85, 205446, (2012).
  15. "Incomplete spin-reorientation in Yttrium orthoferrite" J. Scola, Y. Dumont, N. Keller, M. Vallee , J.-G. Caputo, I. Sheikin, P. Lejay, A. Pautrat, Phys. Rev. B 84, 104429 (2011).
  16. "Reaction-diffusion front crossing a local defect" J.-G.~Caputo and B. Sarels, Phys. Rev. E 84, 041108 (2011).
  17. "Fourier mode dynamics for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in one-dimensional bounded domains" J. G. Caputo, N. K. Efremidis and Chao Hang, Phys. Rev. E 84, 036601 (2011).
  18. "Inhomogeneous parallel arrays of Josephson junctions" J.-G. Caputo et L. Loukitch, Physica C 471, 344­356, (2011.
  19. "High frequency polarization switching of a thin ferroelectric film" J.-G. Caputo, A.I. Maimistov, E.D. Mishina, E.V. Kazantseva, V.M. Mukhortov, Phys. Rev. B 82, 094113, (2010).
  20. "High-order harmonic generation by double-photoionization accounting for the correlation between continuum electrons", E. Simo, J.-G. Caputo, Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt. (2010)
  21. "Fast electromagnetic response of a thin film of resonant atoms with permanent dipole" J.-G. Caputo, E. V. Kazantseva and A.I. Maimistov, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 015206.
  22. "Analytical solutions of jam pattern formation on a ring for a class of optimal velocity traffic models ", Yu. B. Gaididei, R. Berkemer, J. G. Caputo, P. L. Christiansen, A. Kawamoto, T. Shiga, M. P. Sorensen, and J. Starke, New J. Phys. 11 (2009) 073012.
  23. "Cavity with an embedded polarized film: an adapted spectral approach" J. G. Caputo , E. V. Kazantseva, L. Loukitch and A.I. Maimistov J. Phys. A 42, 165204, (2009).
  24. "Designing arrays of Josephson junctions for specific static responses" J. G. Caputo et L. Loukitch, Inverse Problems 24 No 2 (April 2008) 025022
  25. "Solitons in Proteins at Non-Zero Temperatures with Allowance for the Fluctuations of Polarization", E. Simo et J. G. Caputo, Chinese J. of Physics, vol. 46 , NO. 2 APRIL 2008.
  26. "Front solutions of Richards equation" J. G. Caputo et Y. Stepanyants "Transport in porous media", 74, 1-20, (2008).
  27. "Designing arrays of Josephson junctions for specific static responses'', J. G. Caputo et L. Loukitch Inverse Problems 24 No 2 (April 2008) 025022 ,
  28. "Vortex polarity switching by a spin--polarized current", J. G. Caputo, Y. Gaididei, F. G. Mertens and D. Sheka Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007
  29. "Electromagnetically induced switching of ferroelectric thin films", J.-G. Caputo, E. V. Kazantseva, A.I. Maimistov, Phys. Rev. B 75, 014113 (2007)
  30. "Statics of point Josephson junctions in a micro strip line" , J. G Caputo, L. Loukitch SIAM J. Appl Math, a paraitre 2007.
  31. "The reduced Maxwell-Duffing description of extremely short pulses in non resonant media" , E. V. Kazantseva, A. Maimistov et J. G. Caputo, Phys. Rev. E 71, 056622-056634, (2005).
  32. "A Limit Cycle in the Dynamics of a Magnetic Vortex in a Two-dimensional Nanodot", D. Sheka, Y. Gaididei, J. G. Caputo, J. P. Zagorodny, F. G. Mertens, Ukr. J. Phys. 50, N 11, 1278-1287 (2005).
  33. "Dynamics of point Josephson junctions in a microstrip line", J. G. Caputo et L. Loukitch, Physica C 425, 69-89, (2005).
  34. "Vortex motion in a nanomagnet: a simple model", D. Sheka, J. P. Zagorodny, J. G. Caputo, Y. Gaididei et F. Mertens, Phys. Rev. B 71, 134420-134435, (2005).
  35. "A simple theory for the Raman spike" J. G. Caputo et A. Maimistov , Phys. Rev. E 71, 036601-036608, (2005).
  36. Importance of the internal shape mode in magnetic vortex dynamics", J. P. Zagorodny, Y. Gaididei, D. Sheka, J. G. Caputo and F. Mertens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004).
  37. "Kink propagation and trapping in a two-dimensional curved Josephson junction", C. Gorria, Y. Gaididei, M. P. Soerensen P. Christiansen et J. G. Caputo, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 134506, (2004).
  38. "Two point Josephson junctions in a superconducting stripline: static case", J. G. Caputo et Y. Gaididei, Physica C 402, 160-173, (2004).
  39. "Propagation of extremely short pulses in non-resonant media: the total Maxwell-Duffing model" A. Maimistov et J. G. Caputo, Physica D 189, 107-114, (2003).
  40. "Deflection of a vortex pair by an interface in easy-plane ferromagnets" J.-G.Caputo, J.P. Zagorodny, Yu.Gaididei et F.G.Mertens, J. Phys. A, Math. and Gen., 36, 4259-4267, (2003).
  41. "Extremely short electromagnetic pulses in a resonant medium with a permanent dipole moment" , A. Maimistov et J. G. Caputo Opt. Spectroscopy, 94 (2), 245-250, (2003).
  42. "Bore formation, evolution and disintegration into solitons in shallow inhomogeneous channels", J.G. Caputo et Y. Stepanyants, Nonlinear processes in geophysics, 10, 407-424, (2003).
  43. "Resonances in the dynamics of the Bose-Einstein condensate with varying scattering length", F. Abdullaev, J.G. Caputo, R. Kraenkel and B. Malomed, Phys. Rev. A, 67, nb. 1, 013605, 2003.
  44. "Analysis of a semi-linear pde for modeling static solutions of Josephson junctions", J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, A. Tersenov and M. Vavalis, SIAM J. of Math. Analysis, 34, 1356-1379, (2003).
  45. "Influence of the passive region on Zero Field Steps for window Josephson junctions", A. Benabdallah et J. G. Caputo, Journal of Applied Physics, 92, nb. 7, (2002).
  46. "Unidirectional Propagation of an Ultra-Short Electromagnetic Pulse in a Resonant Medium with High Frequency Stark Shift", J. G. Caputo et A. Maimistov, Physics Letters A 296, 34-42, (2002).
  47. "The window Josephson junction: a coupled linear nonlinear system", A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo et N. Flytzanis, Physica D 161, 79-101, (2002).
  48. "Nonlinear energy transmission in the gap", J. G. Caputo, J. Leon et A. Spire, Physics Letters A, vol. 283, 129-135, (2001).
  49. "Dynamics of fluxons in narrow window junctions" N. Flytzanis, N. Lazarides, A. Chiginev, V. Kurin et J. G. Caputo J. Appl. Physics, vol. 88, nb. 7, 4201-4211, (2000).
  50. "Static properties and waveguide modes of a wide lateral window Josephson junction", J. G. Caputo, N. Efraimidis, N. Flytzanis, N. Lazarides, Y. Gaididei, I. Moulitsa et E. Vavalis, Int. J. of Modern Physics C, vol. 11, nb. 3, 493-517, (2000).
  51. "Laminar flux flow for an exponentially tapered Josephson oscillator" A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo et A. C. Scott, J. Appl. Physics, vol. 88, nb. 6, 3527-3540, (2000).
  52. "Raman solitons in transient SRS", M. Boiti, J.G. Caputo, J. Leon et F. Pempinelli, Inverse Problems, vol. 16, nb. 2, 303-315, (2000).
  53. "Stability analysis of static solutions in a Josephson junction", J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, Y. Gaididei, N. Stefanakis et E. Vavalis, Supercond. Science and Technology, vol. 13, 1-17, (2000).
  54. "Amplitude modulated fiber ring laser", C. Balslev-Clausen, J. G. Caputo, M. P. Soerensen et S. Bischoff, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 17, nb. 5, 705-712, (2000).
  55. "A comprehensive study of beryllium diffusion in InGaAs using different forms of kick-out mechanism", J. Marcon, S. Koumetz, K. Ketata, M. Ketata and J. G. Caputo, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 8,7-18, (1999).
  56. "An effective sine-Gordon model for static solutions of narrow window junctions", J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, V. Kurin, N. Lazarides et M. Vavalis, Journal of Applied Physics , vol 85, No. 10, 7291-7301, (1999).
  57. "Validation of the variationnal approach for chirped pulses in fibers with periodic dispersion", F. Kh. Abdullaev et J.G. Caputo, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 58, 6637-6648, (1998).
  58. "Influence of magnetic field on an overlap two-dimensional Jos ephson junction: split mode methods", J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, Y. Gaididei , I. Moulitsa and M. Vavalis, Int. J. of Mod. Physics C, vol. 9, No. 2, 301-324, (1998).
  59. "Propagation of an envelope soliton in a medium with spatially varying dispersion", F. Kh. Abdullaev, J. G. Caputo, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 55, 6061-6071, (1997).
  60. "Flux flow in an Eiffel junction", A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo et A.C. Scott, Phys. Rev. B., vol 54, 16139-16147, (1996).
  61. "Effect of geometry on fluxon width in a Josephson junction" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et M. Vavalis, International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 7, No. 2, 191-216, (1996).
  62. "Two-dimensional effects in Josephson junctions: I static properties" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, Y. Gaididei and M. Vavalis, Phys. Rev. E, 54, No. 2, 2092-2101, (1996).
  63. "A semi-linear elliptic pde model for the static solution of Josephson junctions" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et M. Vavalis, International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 6, No. 2, 241-262, (1995).
  64. "The ring laser configuration studied by collective coordinates" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et M. P. Soerensen, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 12, No. 1, 139-145, (1995).
  65. "Dressed fluxon in a two dimensional window junction" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et M. Devoret, Physical Review B, 50, No. 9, 6471-6474, (1994).
  66. "Removal of singularities in the collective coordinate solution of Klein Gordon models" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et C. Ragiadakos, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 63, No. 7, 2523-2531 (1994).
  67. "Envelope soliton propagation in media with temporally modulated dispersion" F. Kh. Abdullaev, J. G. Caputo and N. Flytzanis, Physical Review E, 50, No.2, 1552-1558, (1994).
  68. "Kink Antikink collisions in sine Gordon and $Phi^4$ : problems in the variational approach" J. G. Caputo et N. Flytzanis, Phys. Rev. A 44, 6219-6225, (1991).
  69. "Metric entropy: an experimental means for characterizing and quantifying chaos" J. G. Caputo et P. Atten, Phys. Rev. A 35, nb. 3, 1311-1316, (1987).
  70. "Dimension et entropie des attracteurs associes a des ecoulements reels: estimation et analyse de la methode" J. G. Caputo, Nouvelle These, Universite de Grenoble, (1986).

    Publications de Conferences invitees

  71. "The stimulated Raman scattering system: a numerical study" J. G. Caputo, dans "Nonlinearity and disorder: theory and applications", publie par F.Kh. Abdullaev, M.P. Soerensen, et O. Bang, Kluwer, (2001).
  72. "Practical Remarks on the estimation of dimension and entropy from experimental data" J. G. Caputo, dans "Quantitative measures of dynamical complexity", publie par N. Abraham, A. Albano et P. Rapp, Springer-Verlag, (1990).
  73. "Non-linear wave propagation through a random medium and soliton tunneling" J. G. Caputo, A. C. Newell et M. Shelley, dans "Integrable systems and applications" publie par M. Balabane , P. Lochak, D. Mclaughlin et C. Sulem, Springer-Verlag (1990).
  74. "Determination of attractor dimension and entropy for various flows" J. G. Caputo, B. Malraison et P. Atten, dans "Dimensions and entropies for chaotic systems" publie par G. Mayer-Kress, Springer-Verlag, (1986).
  75. "Estimation experimentale de dimension d'attracteur et d'entropie" P. Atten et J. G. Caputo, Conference invitee pour le seminaire "Traitement Numerique des Attracteurs Etranges" publie par M. Cosnard et C. Mira, Editions du C.N.R.S., (1986).

    Communications publiees

  76. "Bore evolution in an inhomogeneous river", J.G. Caputo et Y. Stepanyants, dans "Acoustics, Mechanics and the related topics of mathematical analysis", Conference organisee par A. Wirgin, St. Raphael, Juin 2002.
  77. "The window Josephson junction: a coupled linear nonlinear system", A. Benabdallah and J. G. Caputo, dans "Nonlinearity, integrability and all that, twenty years after NEEDS 79", M. Boiti, F. Pempinelli and G. Soliani (Ed.), World Scientific, (2000).
  78. "Propagation of chirped solitons in fibers with modulated dispersion or non linearity", F. Abdullaev, J.G. Caputo et M.P. Soerensen, paru dans "New trends in optical solitons for communications", A.Hasegawa (Ed) ,Kluwer, Dodrecht, (1998).
  79. "The envelope soliton in a modulated and random media" F. Kh. Abdullaev, J.G. Caputo et N. Flytzanis, paru dans les Actes de "XI International Congress of Mathematical Physics", Ed. D. Jagolnitzer, International Press, N.Y. , (1995).
  80. "Fluxon resonances in window-type long Josephson junctions: experiment and numerical simulations" N. Thyssen, A. V. Ustinov, H. Kohlstedt, J. G. Caputo, S. Pagano and N. Flytzanis, dans "Non-linear Superconducting Devices and High Tc materials", R. Parmentier et N. Pedersen Ed., World-Scientific (1995).
  81. "Experimental study of Fluxon resonances in window-type long Josephson junctions" N. Thyssen, A. V. Ustinov, H. Kohlstedt, J. G. Caputo, S. Pagano and N. Flytzanis, paru dans les Actes de la Conference Internationale "Applied Superconductivity Conference" a Boston en Octobre 1994.
  82. "Collective coordinate model of a ring laser" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et C. Ragiadakos, paru dans les Actes du workshop C.O.S.T. "Optical telecommunications" organise par C. Montes a Nice en Avril 1994.
  83. "Removal of singularities in the collective coordinate solution of Klein Gordon models" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis et C. Ragiadakos, dans "Non linear coherent structures in Physics and Biology" edite par R. Mertens et K. Spatchek, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, (1993).
  84. "Static solutions of a two-dimensional Josephson window junction" J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis and M. Devoret, dans "Future directions of non linear dynamics in physical and biological systems " edite par P. Christiansen et R. Parmentier, World Scientific, (1992).
  85. "Collective coordinates by a variational approach: problems for sine-Gordon and $Phi^4$ models" J. G. Caputo and N. Flytzanis, dans "Non linear coherent structures in Physics and Biology", edite par M. Remoissenet et M. Peyrard, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, (1991).
  86. "Experimental determination of attractor dimension for various flows" J. G. Caputo, dans "Advances in non-linear dynamics and stochastic processes" edite par R. Livi et A. Politi, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, (1985).

    Articles generaux

  87. Rubrique "Jump phenomena" pour "The Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science (2004)", compilee par A. C. Scott.

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